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Article name | Humanitarian Geography: Conceptual Status and Institutionalization |
Authors | Gladkiy Y.N.Doctor of Geography, Professor, Head of the Department of Economic Geography |
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UDK | 910.1+911.3:009 |
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Annotation | The author considers the conventional divisions of Sciences into humanitarian and non-humanitarian; emphasizes that in the English language – the term «humanities» used to identify the humanitarian Sciences, is very widely interpreted, absorbing even very indirect relation to the traditional sciences (various forms of art, confession, etc.). The author criticizes the prevailing Russian title of “non-physical” geography – “economic, social, political and recreational geography” because of the semantic “vulnerability”. Not only ontologically (in terms of research facilities), but also methodologically as a part of social geography (except of economic, social, political and recreational), there are a “fan” of other scientific sub-disciplines (historical geography, cultural, medical, military, etc.) which is quite strong argument for the long-pending “rename”. He draws a parallel between this branch of scientific knowledge and the English name of «human geography», and he proposed conventional Russian language equivalent – “humanitarian geography”. And it is noted the futility of the more exact equivalent searching. Thus, defended by many authors the concept of “social geography” is only a part, a partial fragment of «human geography» and «humanitarian geography». The author expresses a negative opinion about the “narrow” approach to the institutionalization of human geography, when it is identified only with imaginistic, cognitive and sacred geography; and stresses that humanitarian and humanistic geography are established non-synonymous concepts. From the perspective of the German translation of human geography, it is more reasonable to consider it as a linguistic synonym Anthropogeographie. |
Key words | humanitarian geography, social and economic geography, humanitaristics, humanistic geography |
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Full article | Humanitarian Geography: Conceptual Status and Institutionalization |