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Article name | The Eurasian Transcontinental Economic Axes and their «Eastern Bridgeheads» |
Authors | Romanov, (), () M.T.Doctor of Geography, Professor, Senior Researcher, |
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Annotation | The questions of formation of the Eurasian high-speed transcontinental transport corridors between three huge and actively interacting economic spaces of China, Russia and the European Union as well as the subsequent formation of economic axes, such as the zones of advancing development along them, are considered in the article. It is noted that transformation of the Trans-Siberian railway into a speed main line and creation of a new Eurasian transcontinental transport corridor “Silk Road” can radically change geopolitical and geo-economic patterns in the world, forming the fundamentally important geopolitical axes. Their formation under the conditions of globalization, general competition and strengthening of geopolitical intensity in the world is considered as a real mechanism of strategic integration of the Eurasian continental space, creation of conditions for sustainable development of its economy and improvement of geopolitical relations between the poles, thus confronting the A. Mahan’s Anaconda Plan. “In a tow” with the formation of transcontinental transport corridors and economic axes the questions of evolution of their initial elements on the Pacific coast – Vladivostok and its Chinese functional analog Lianyungang – are considered. It is proved that under new geopolitical conditions the nationwide Vladivostok’s functions should be formed as those of the key point the first transcontinental Eurasian economic axis, which naturally includes the functions of the Centre for International Cooperation in Asia-Pacific Russia. Taking into account the experience of the Chinese Lianyungang, the efforts and resources in the city of Vladivostok should be directed primarily to the construction of the key deepwater port, as well as to the establishment of a large industrial center conducting extensive economic ties, so that it could become a real key point of the Trans-Siberian economic axis. It is noted that the formation of the economic axis along the Trans-Sib also assumes to create a number of large local zones of advanced development along its extension. |
Key words | transcontinental transport corridors, economic and geopolitical axes, zones of advancing development, long-term development, “eastern bridgeheads”, the Eurasian economic space, Asian-Pacific region, the Trans-Siberian Railway, the New Silk way. |
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Full article | The Eurasian Transcontinental Economic Axes and their «Eastern Bridgeheads» |