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Article name | Ethics as an Alternative to Market |
Authors | Zimbuli A.E.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor |
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UDK | 172 |
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Annotation | The author builds his arguments, starting from the harsh fact that life is a constant reminder of the market nature of teaching and scientific activities. He reminds that we should be able to sell themselves and bring profit to the University. However, from the world and national history it is perfectly known that the most outstanding representatives of creative professions – poets, artists, and scientists – were rarely financially successful. But they developed culture. It is known that Herzen called logic “cemetery of thought”. What would he say about the current monthly scientific reports, and about the unified state exam? Who would he say about monthly reports and Unified State Examination? Who proved that scientific life must circle around profit? It is known that the production of grants, development of licensed journals, conferences – sometimes turns into not to knowledge sharing but the empty chatter and redirection of finances. The recent years experience clearly shows that considering wealth of conflicting types and human relations as a market is pathetic, because in culture, there are many other things that are not reducible to considerations of “efficiency” and “profit”. Aimed at economic parameters, practice creates multiple stresses that people should consider working, adapting and trying to minimize something. In the world market, where needs and resources, economic incentives and odds are dominated, people if they want to be human, should follow the ethical locies, which adjusts on the values of dignity, compassion, and justice. |
Key words | culture, teaching and scientific activity, market, efficiency, ethics |
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Full article | Ethics as an Alternative to Market |