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Article name | Division of Public Functions and the Problem of Integrity of a Man |
Authors | Subbotina N.D.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor dialectica@yandex. ru |
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UDK | 101.1:316 |
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Annotation | The article analyzes two opposite approaches to the phenomenon of public functions separation. Some authors consider the phenomenon to be an inevitable norm; others view it as pathology. In the author’s opinion, these approaches reflect different sides of the two dialectical contradictions: the contradictions of the natural and the social in a man and contradictions of the individual and a society. Nature has created a man as a collective being, and the human being as a part must conform to the common interests of self-preservation system. The social in the man is his identity, need for freedom, awareness of his own values and his personal interests. Absolutization of the needs of the system leads to the theories which put interests of the state on the first place. The hypertrophied need for freedom leads to anarchist slogans. According to the author, integrity can exist only in its subjective unstable manifestation, when people feel harmony of many of their functions, satisfied with their current situation. |
Key words | a man, personality, society, part, the whole, integrity, the natural, the social, Marxism, anarchism, populism, division of public functions, division of labour |
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Full article | Division of Public Functions and the Problem of Integrity of a Man |