Article name The Problem of Human Needs in the Philosophy by G. Hegel
Authors Vershinina E.A.Сandidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 21. 31
Article type
Annotation The article describes the main objectives of G. Hegel’s doctrine about the development of the human nature. The place of human needs in its structure and their relationship with mind, emotions and will are defined. The development of the human nature is described as a moral progress, as liberation of a man from the power of his natural needs and as formation of his mental and moral needs. The role of the state in the moral progress of humanity is described. In the context of Hegel’s philosophy, modern practice of consumption (consumerism) is a phenomenon of regress in the historical process of the human development.
Key words Hegel, human nature, needs, development
Article information
References 1. Gegel G. Fenomenologiya dukha. Soch. v 14 t. T. 4. M.: Izd-vo sotsialno-ekonomicheskoy literatury, 1959. 450 s. 2. Gegel G. Filosofiya dukha // Entsiklopediya filosofskikh nauk. T. 3. M.: Mysl, 1977. 471 s. 3. Kanke V. A. Filosofiya. M.: Logos, 2000. 344 s.
Full articleThe Problem of Human Needs in the Philosophy by G. Hegel