Article name The Person in Max Stirner’s Individualist Anarchism Interpretation
Authors Polyakov D.B.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 130. 31
Article type
Annotation This article reveals the main points of philosophy of a little known German thinker Max Stirner. In his book The Ego and Its Own the author presents his views on the problemof personality and its relationship with the environment, provides a radical critique of the prevailing moral values, as well as building a philosophical basis of anarchist ideology. Special attention is paid to the origins of the Stirner’s philosophy, namely, its relations with the Hegel’s idealistic philosophy, which, along with the Feuerbach’s anthropological concept, is also the subject of critical analysis from the position of “pure egoism”.Stirner’spoint of view on the principle of historical development comparing with the process of human spiritual development as they mature is of great interest. An actually anarchist part of Stirner’sdoctrine appears in a very negative attitude to the institution of the state in all its forms, as well as to various liberal concepts anyway derogatory will and dignity of the person.
Key words person, I, egoism, “ghosts”, anarchism
Article information
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