Article name State and Society in Transformation Conditions: Values of China at the Modern Stage
Authors Dugarova S.B.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 008:351. 858 (510)
Article type
Annotation The article discusses the ideological image of China at the present stage. Reforms, in addition to the economic, scientific and technological development, help to accelerate the process of social stratification and erosion of certain traditions and customs. The reforms disappointment in the society arises. The confrontation between supporters of the basic values of socialism and supporters of universal values is notable. To confront the development of negative processes in society, the Chinese leaders seek to express a single coherent point of view, promoting basic traditional values of Confucianism as well. The transition from local to global thinking is happening, and it marks the expansion of the cultural influence of China in the world. Humanitarian foreign policy of the state is actively implemented. The author concludes that search for a new identity and for the most appropriate forms of government is the most productive in the background of the crisis.
Key words People’s Republic of China, the Communist Party of China, Confucianism, values, society, development
Article information
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