Article name Ethical Bases of Sociocultural Practice
Authors Zimbuli A.E.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 177
Article type
Annotation The article considers the moral and value bases of socio-cultural practices. From the positions of higher justice, culture-creation and humanity, above all the most significant are the positive results of human activities and the ways to minimize the arising problems-resentment- threat.The analysis is carried out on the basis of the generalized structure: WHO, WHOM, WHY, IN WHAT is trying to convince, HOW he does it, HOW SUCCESSFULLY, and WHAT it results in. Such a fair and unbiased comparison of purposes, results, and the price paid for the achieved results seems to give the most objective assessment of the results of socio-cultural practices.That is how humanity can learn to build its future better not yielding to the manipulative techniques of the pseudo-prophets, not succumbing to the labels of eternal moral truths. That is how it is possible to build a new world not destroying albeit imperfect worlds of the current, without impoverishing the value of multidimensionality of each other and not usurping the right to choose the preferred cultural practices.
Key words sociocul turalpractices, moral and value bases, justification, justice, culturecreation, humanism
Article information
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Full articleEthical Bases of Sociocultural Practice