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Article name | Information Technologies as the Main Factor of Social Evolution Acceleration |
Authors | Maksimenko I.A.Postgraduate Student |
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UDK | 101.1:316 |
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Annotation | The article is devoted to the major role of information technologies in the social evolution development and acceleration. Technologies are present in all areas of social life. This question requires detailed consideration.The article analyzes the basic concepts of the information society and the role of modern technologies in society. The author views the main areas of social life (economic, social, political and spiritual ones) and outlines the use of information technologies in these areas.The development of information technologies is the most characteristic feature of modern social evolution and the main reason of its acceleration. It is information technologies that are the main reason for the society of disparate regions and countries to become a single system. |
Key words | information society, information technology, information, areas of social life |
Article information | |
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Full article | Information Technologies as the Main Factor of Social Evolution Acceleration |