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Article name | Natural Foundations of Hierarchical Relations in Human Society |
Authors | Stepanova M.A.Postgraduate Student |
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UDK | 101.1:316 |
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Annotation | This paper deals with the natural mechanisms of the organization and operation of power relations in the social community. Analysis of the main approaches to the study of domination and obedience relations in social groups and society as a whole is presented. “Domination − obedience” as a type of social relations is the process of exercising power characterized by institutional form, implying arrangement of society into the dominant and subordinate groups as well as allocation of specific administrative system. Any social group has to obey the natural laws of synergy which operate both in society and in any non-linear self-organizing systems. The author emphasizes the natural part of a social hierarchy’s establishing process and selecting a group leader. The basic social roles of the individual in the relations of power and obedience are the leader, the favorite, the outsider, and the outlaw. Any social group is organized by the principle of natural hierarchy. Effect of the natural part of domination and obedience relations is that the person is forced to become a part of the strict social hierarchy suppressing his freedom. |
Key words | relations of domination and obedience, power, social hierarchy, herd instinct, suggestion, leader, favourite, outsider, outlaw |
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Full article | Natural Foundations of Hierarchical Relations in Human Society |