Article name Triumph of Mankind in Scientific Knowledge and Creative Work
Authors Khrustalev Y.M.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation
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UDK 111
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Annotation Millions of people are involved in scientific and technological activities in modern technogeneous and information society. Mankind is in the state of genuine revolution in the sphere of communications and global information which prepares a shift of worldviews. The philosophy of science has played a significant role in this process. It has been formed at the junction of the three research areas: science in itself, its history and philosophy. It is in the philosophy of science that the creative power of scholars’ intellect is closely connected with generation of new meanings both in life and in the humanitarian technologies of scientific and creative activities. In foreseeable future humanity will live in extreme conditions of anthropogenic society, where the main factor of self-development of humanity is rational and moral use of scientific knowledge and information. Tendencies of humanity self-development are mainly related to the evolution of science, technics and technology on an unprecedented scale.
Key words science, philosophy of science, thinking, scientific creativity as ability to scientific and creative activities, intellect, intuition, systems approach
Article information
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Full articleTriumph of Mankind in Scientific Knowledge and Creative Work