Article name Philosophical Marking of the Professionally Important Object in a Complex Interdisciplinary Research
Authors Khudyakova N.L.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Khairulin S.S.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Matsyna A.I.Candidate of Philosophy
Polyakova O.O.Doctoral Candidate
Bibliographic description
UDK 165
Article type
Annotation The article describes the studying of philosophical knowledge in university by military cadets – future navigators, as the universal basis of reflection which allows them to perceive the world as a unity in diversity. Integrated interdisciplinary research of the celestial sphere as a professionally meaningful object is organized on the basis of synthesis of philosophy, aviation. astronomy, and archaeoastronomy. The development of the students’ ability to philosophical reflection allows them to understand a person in whole and themselves in particular as fundamentally objective creatures. This changes their perception of reality. Philosophy becomes a general methodological “axis” of the general scientific and specialized training of the flight personnel. The results make it possible to reach a higher level of philosophical generalization. This approach allows us to have a positive influence on professional skills formation and education of the full-fledged personality, to form the basis for further philosophy comprehension.
Key words teaching philosophy, cultural markings, coelosphere, аrchaeoastronomy, aviation astronomy, celestial spherical coordinates, navigator
Article information
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Full articlePhilosophical Marking of the Professionally Important Object in a Complex Interdisciplinary Research