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Article name | Philosophical Marking of the Professionally Important Object in a Complex Interdisciplinary Research |
Authors | Khudyakova N.L.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor hudyakovanl@gmail.comKhairulin S.S.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor hairulin58@mail.ruMatsyna A.I.Candidate of Philosophy matsyna@inbox.ruPolyakova O.O.Doctoral Candidate |
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UDK | 165 |
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Annotation | The article describes the studying of philosophical knowledge in university by military cadets – future navigators, as the universal basis of reflection which allows them to perceive the world as a unity in diversity. Integrated interdisciplinary research of the celestial sphere as a professionally meaningful object is organized on the basis of synthesis of philosophy, aviation. astronomy, and archaeoastronomy. The development of the students’ ability to philosophical reflection allows them to understand a person in whole and themselves in particular as fundamentally objective creatures. This changes their perception of reality. Philosophy becomes a general methodological “axis” of the general scientific and specialized training of the flight personnel. The results make it possible to reach a higher level of philosophical generalization. This approach allows us to have a positive influence on professional skills formation and education of the full-fledged personality, to form the basis for further philosophy comprehension. |
Key words | teaching philosophy, cultural markings, coelosphere, аrchaeoastronomy, aviation astronomy, celestial spherical coordinates, navigator |
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Full article | Philosophical Marking of the Professionally Important Object in a Complex Interdisciplinary Research |