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Article name | Ontology and Epistemology of Complexity |
Authors | Chernikova I.V.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor |
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UDK | 165.12 |
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Annotation | Phenomenon of complexity in ontological and gnoseological aspects is in the focus of the paper. In the ontological aspect complexity appears as self-developing systems mode of being. The parameters of complexity, modes of organization and interaction of elements in complex systems are revealed and analyzed. The interpretation of complexity generated by cognition and based on cognitive interaction between the subject and environment is not less important. This kind of complexity is generated by a reflexive-communicating subject, who perceives himself not only as a participant of the world evolution, but also as a constructor of this world by means of his projective-constructive activity. The cognitive aspect of complexity is revealed with the special kind of reality reflection – complex thinking. The integration of these approaches is crystalized in the complexity paradigm. On the level of complexity paradigm, the interpretation of both reality and a line of action changes and, as a result, it transforms the reality itself. |
Key words | subject, object, self-developing system, complexity, nonlinearity, cognition, complex thinking |
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Full article | Ontology and Epistemology of Complexity |