Article name Scientific Research: from a Personal Maxim to the Universal Method
Authors Yartsev R.A.Candidate of Engineering, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 001.8
Article type
Annotation This article views the objections raised by M. Polanyi impugning the existence of the universal cognitive science, which are based on his concept of personal knowledge. We show that any set of regulations, though not adequate for the described personal knowledge, yet has the interpersonal meaning, which is characterized by a certain completeness of the information conveyed. Consequently, it is not just a subjective maxim, but also an intersubjective method. We suggest searching for the universal method among the most common methods of science. The article states that this method refers to the ethics of the search of scientific truth and spreads implicitly, through scientific texts as well. It also shows that the method does not prevent the scientific work and that one can enucleate it by developing a certain analogy between the scientific investigation and the litigation known to M. Polanyi. Herewith we can treat the overcoming of the objections to the universal method as a requirement resulting from the content of the method.
Key words science, scientific knowledge, personal knowledge, universal method, study, analogy, litigation
Article information
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Full articleScientific Research: from a Personal Maxim to the Universal Method