Article name Cultural and Geographical Features of Transboundary Town Positioning (On the Example of Nerchinsk, Zabaikalsky Krai)
Authors Novikov A.N.Doctor of Geography, Associate Professor
Baldandorzhiev Z.B.
Gorlova I.A.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 008 +910
Article type
Annotation Positioning of areas as the process of promoting and strengthening their position in the tourist markets is based on the creation of cultural and geographical images in the information space. Cultural and geographical images reflect cultural heritage as tourism resources, thus transforming these objects into cultural and geographical brands. Identifying items of cultural heritage in the information space of the Internet is performed using content analysis.Presentation of brands in different ratings of the information space is composed by voting. The task is not just to identify the position of the territory, but its formation as well. Cultural heritage of Nerchinsk is actively positioned in the national information space of Russia through participation in competitions on the rankings of cultural and natural heritage. However, trans-positioning in the Chinese-Mongolian-segments and the information space of the Internet are far below the national segment.
Key words Butin’s Palace, Zabaikalsky Krai, cultural geography, cultural heritage, cultural and geographical image of Nerchinsk, positioning, Church of the Assumption of Our Lady
Article information
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Full articleCultural and Geographical Features of Transboundary Town Positioning (On the Example of Nerchinsk, Zabaikalsky Krai)