Article name Non-verbal Communication Means: Difficulties of Translation in a Different Cultural Environment
Authors Get’manenko N.I.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 81.25:316.6
Article type
Annotation Based on the achievements of Russian and western cross-cultural studies, the author proposes an original way to classify means of non-verbal communication suggested by David Lewis in The Secret Language of Success: How to Read and Use Body-Talk (1989). The classification takes into consideration historical and cultural context while using non-verbal means of communication. The author shows how the wrong interpretation of gesture, pose, look, clothing (color, style) by representatives of different cultures could be a reason not only of cross-cultural communicative obstacle, but also a reason of cross-cultural communicative barrier and misfortune. The publication is based on personal experience and research during teaching foreign (English speaking) student audience. The author analyzes linguistic and culturological aspect of the problem.
Key words non-verbal communication, intercultural context of communication, nationally specified and nationally unspecified means of non-verbal communication, gesture-historicism, gesture-archaism
Article information
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Full articleNon-verbal Communication Means: Difficulties of Translation in a Different Cultural Environment