Article name Ritual Funerary Rite Stereotypes of Buryat Shamans
Authors Suvorova A.S.Teacher
Zhambalova S.G.Doctor of History, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 391 / 393 (571. 54)
Article type
Annotation Funeralrites preserve the most conservative form of stereotyping of social experience, but they have never been studied on the Buryat material. The methodology of comparative analysis has allowed us to create a typology of shamanic burials, to show a weaktrend in the historical development of genetic shaman burial traditions.Six stereotypes of Buryat shaman burials have been found, they provide long-term preservation of archaic ideological tradition in the spacial-temporal continuum in accordance with the ecological niche of inhabitance.The most archaic stereotype is the air one. The existence of cremation of shamans in its purest form is impugned.We revealed two transitory types from air to cremation, having appeared presumably in response to new social challenges. The main idea of heavenly burial prevails in them.The stereotype of shamans’ ground burial covered by stones, as well as burials incaves and grottoes have been discovered.Universality of culture allows us to suggest that the specificity of the earth ritual burials of black shamans using quaking aspen is autochthonous, not introduced by Christianity. In the article it is convincingly demonstrated that the burial rites of shamans consist of a complex multistage ceremonies carried out at the cemetery.The means of memorizing shamans,stemming out from the idea of immortality are demonstrated.
Key words Buryats, shaman, funeral rites, typology, stereotype, ritual, ceremony, archaism
Article information
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