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Article name | Safety of the Person in the Conditions of Modern Civilization |
Authors | Zasukhina V.N.Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 304.444 |
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Annotation | In this article the problem of safety of life and health of the person in the conditions of the modern civilization is analyzed. According to the author, application received as a result of research of this problem in the corresponding areas of sociocultural practice and achievement of certain practical results in these areas is very important. The author sees solutions of the designated problem in overcoming of different risks, one of which is, for example, ecological. The article also indicates the need of “revaluation of values” in science which the author connects with the process of antropologization of scientific knowledge and natural science humanitarization. The questions raised in the article reflect those phenomena and processes of sociocultural reality of the modern world which are traditionally considered in the context of development of an anthropological paradigm. So, the author uses the anthropological approach and a culture-anthropological method that allows considering a problem of safety of the person in axiological aspect. |
Key words | safety of the person, safety of health, safety of life, modern civilization, risks, society of risks, science antropologization, natural science humanitarization, values |
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Full article | Safety of the Person in the Conditions of Modern Civilization |