Article name Legends of India, China and Japan about Tea as a Part of the Content of Russian-Speaking Internet Resources
Authors Krayushkina T.V.Doctor of Philology
Bibliographic description
UDK 398.222 (52 + 59)
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the little-investigated subject – the use of the legends of India, China and Japan in the Russian-language Internet resources. Some 70 texts about tea were chosen for the analysis.The purpose of this article is to determine the characteristics of the texts and their functioning in the modern Russian-language cultural space. As a result, it was revealed that there are three groups of legends. The first group includes the legend of the origin of the tea bush and preparing the drink. Tea grows detached from the eyelids or eyelashes of mythological character, the tea bushes were brought from a far country. The second group includes the texts of the opening of the special properties of the leaves and the invention of the drink. The unique properties of tea are found by accident. The article highlights very popular stories about animals, through which people learn about the properties of the tea leaf. The third group includes the legends of varietal tea. The author focuses on an unusual origin or renaming of tea. Owners of the Internet resources use the legends on the pages of their newspapers trying to draw readers’ attention, convincing them of the uniqueness of the tea sold. The Internet has become a stable means of transmission of works of folk art from nation to nation. The article can be useful for folklorists and specialists in the field of intercultural communication.
Key words legends, folklore of the countries of the Asia-Pacific Region, Internet resources
Article information
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Full articleLegends of India, China and Japan about Tea as a Part of the Content of Russian-Speaking Internet Resources