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Article name | Theoretical Foundations of the Study of Modern Cultural Languages in Post-Industrial Society |
Authors | Sergeev D.V.Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 008 |
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Annotation | The purpose of the paper is to identify the main trends in the development of cultural language and cultural texts generated in the post-industrial society. The principal method in the research is the analysis of the works of foreign scholars who have studied the post-industrial society and the empirical evidence of its development. The paper discusses the theoretical foundations for analyzing cultural language and texts generated in the post-industrial society. There are four sources of judgments about the subject of the research: results of the studies of post-industrial society, the results of the studies of cultural language ontology in the postindustrial society, the empirical information and the consequences of introducing postmodern phenomena in the space of the Russian culture. The paper focuses on the trends of social development which were revealed by foreign scientists in the 1970s – 1980s. These trends were transferred to the analysis of symbolic systems transformation. There are three main trends: the collapse of axiological system, general transformations of the industrial society, the professionalization of the cultural language production. The common ground of all the changes is the need to increase the efficiency of cultural languages in the context of intensification of all social spheres development. The paper is full of evidences and examples to ensure validity for the revealed trends. |
Key words | cultural semantics, cultural text, cultural language, post-industrial society, value, social and cultural transformations |
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Full article | Theoretical Foundations of the Study of Modern Cultural Languages in Post-Industrial Society |