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Article name | Methodological Bases of Culturological Researches of Educational Systems |
Authors | Razumova L.I.Postgraduate Student |
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UDK | 008 |
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Annotation | The article is dedicated to the historical culturological and social aspects of understanding the methodological bases of the comparative researches, which subject is studying of the educational systems in different countries. In the second half of the twentieth century the general sociocultural conditions of existence and development of many educational systems are in the process of changing. The general macrocontext of their development and interaction is comprehended in the article by a key concept of “social network of interaction”. Developed within sociology of culture and cultural science, it allowed us to determine its main property of this macrocontext: its network and rhizomorphous character, ideology, systemacy, communicativeness. The analysis of the development of the educational systems in France and Russia in the second half of the twentieth century allowed us to determine that generalizing abstract character of extended models at the international level was combined in these countries with a certain differentiation and adaptation of these models in the studied period of time. |
Key words | research methodology of comparative education; social networks of interaction; ideological, system and structural, communicative bases, antinomiccharacter of integration processes |
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Full article | Methodological Bases of Culturological Researches of Educational Systems |