Article name Organizational Development of Professional Education Quality Assurance in High School
Authors Dugarova D.T.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
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UDK 378
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Annotation In this article the author examines the organizational development of quality assurance of professional university education in the system of evaluating and auditing the quality of educational services. The characteristic features of the evaluation system include the existence of a body to assess quality, involvement of skilled professionals in the field of quality management, not just Ministry officials, to examine the university activity quality, conclusions and reports on the findings of the examination with recommendations for improving operations, not just statements of the deficiencies identified. The certification of the ZabSHPU Quality Management System (QMS) by the French organization for standardization (AFNOR) in 2009 confirms the quality assurance of its educational services. Auditing is seen as a method of assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the internal university mechanism quality. According to the results of external auditing, being a diplomant of the 2010 Quality System of Training Graduates of Educational Institutions of Professional Education of the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science, ZabSHPU shows consumers its quality assurance of educational services.
Key words quality assurance, evaluation system, quality auditing, quality management, educational services, quality expertise
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