Article name Technological Aspects in Science Education of the Humanities Students in the Period of Transition to FSES HPE
Authors Bordonskaya L.A.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
Starostina S.E.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 378.016:500
Article type
Annotation The article shows that the educational process will be focused on the development of students’ cognitive activity, the establishment of their critical thinking style and the formation of professional personality qualities if the basic teaching strategies are the strategies of modular, self-directed, critical, contextual teaching and learning in partnership. The authors prove that the development of the teaching strategy is aimed at identifying the main directions of the organization of the educational process; the choice of technologies is training tactics. Moreover, the formation of general, cultural and professional competencies in the study of natural sciences is based on a combination of modern technologies with a variety of methods of quasiprofessional activity: when working with training projects, solving situational tasks;analyzing information received from various sources; participating in role-plays and business games.
Key words educational process projecting, teaching strategies, modular training, self-directed learning, critical teaching, contextual teaching, learning in partnership
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Full articleTechnological Aspects in Science Education of the Humanities Students in the Period of Transition to FSES HPE