Article name Case-Study in the Research of Students’ Intercultural Experience
Authors Sorokina N.V.Candidate of Pedagogy, Assistant Professor
Rogova A.V.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 37.014.25 + 316.647.8
Article type
Annotation The article presents case-study, one of the contemporary qualitative research methods, as a possible alternative to the traditional quantitative methods, and discusses the case-study basic features, the possibilities and limitations of its usage. Theoretical statements are concretized by presenting the results of an empirical casestudy, which investigates one of the aspects of intercultural competence, in particular the students’ awareness of their national stereotypes as one of the most important factors of intercultural communication. The purpose of the conducted study was to research the dynamics of changes in Russian students’ autostereotypes and heterostereotypes in the situation of a short-term intercultural communication. The article presents a case, reflecting intercultural experience of one student. The authors analyze the student’s national stereotyped conceptions before and after his trip to Germany and show the developing dynamics of his intercultural competence. The paper proves the relevance of case studies to the research of students’ intercultural experience.
Key words case-study, qualitative methods, intercultural competence, national (ethnic) stereotype, autostereotype, heterostereotype
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Full articleCase-Study in the Research of Students’ Intercultural Experience