Article name Higher Professional and General Secondary Education Curricula Junction at the Master’s Level for Potential Russian Language Teachers
Authors Cherepanova L.V.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 378.016:811.161.1
Article type
Annotation The article contains the arguments for the necessity and possibility of the junction between the Master’s degree program “Training Technologies in Philological Education”, which is aimed at training Russian language teachers, and the Federal State Standard of the Russian language for general secondary school of the second generation. The layers of foundation (Fundierung) have been pointed out and include: the junction of the linguistic training at secondary schools and universities; development and improvement of the students’ professional and practical skills; experimental work on teaching methods; linguistic and didactic studies. The points of the programs junction have been also determined: objectives and tasks, content, education technologies and outcomes. Due to the comparative analysis the author identifies the junction vectors: specification of professional competences; obtaining project techniques used to develop universal academic skills. Mastering reflective education technologies, a linguistic portfolio, project technologies, distant and differentiated teaching as well as their deeper study at the classes of “Innovative Technologies in Teaching a Language” help graduate students obtain their universal academic skills and professional pedagogical competences.
Key words junction, professional training, secondary education, master’s program, professional competences, technologies of teaching the Russian language
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Full articleHigher Professional and General Secondary Education Curricula Junction at the Master’s Level for Potential Russian Language Teachers