Article name State and Public Management of Professional Education Content and Outcomes
Authors Shvetsov M.Y.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
Dugarov A.L.
Bibliographic description
UDK 377
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the main aspects of state and public management of professional education. The article states that the subject of educational research on state-public nature of management is the search for objective and substantive relationships between the specific characteristics of management, the management process and its outcomes. The quality of education is assessed at various system levels: the state level includes the state policy in higher education, as well as licensing and accreditation of educational institutions; the public and professional level involves professional communities, employers, public organizations as well as international organizations and direct consumers of educational services to evaluate education outcomes, to form orders for specialists and to carry out an expertise of educational programs; the institutional level - at the educational institutions level and its management, and the level of educational programs and individual disciplines. Particular attention is paid to modern methods and models to assure education quality, as well as appropriate assessment procedures.
Key words quality, quality assurance, state and public management
Article information
Full articleState and Public Management of Professional Education Content and Outcomes