Article name Tendencies in the Development of Environmental Education in the World Educational Space (Mid-1990s – the First Decade of the 21st Century)
Authors Gorlachev V.P.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
Igumnova E.A.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 37(091)
Article type
Annotation Since the mid 1990s, in the world educational space, one of the leading tendencies that encourages the development of environmental education has been its priority thanks to legislative and financial support from the state. According to the authors, a promising guideline criterion for environmental education has become its relationship with citizens’ “green” behavior, the spread of “green” schools and environmental initiatives, and the development of civil society. The article notes some positive trends of environmental education abroad: eco-humanitarian values as a vector of development not only of education but also the safe production; continuity and universality; a variety of interactive methods, forms and technologies; a developed network of teachers’ training; connections with community organizations and mass media; economic and legal encouragement of business participation in environmental education programs; development of domestic and international programs. The authors emphasize that today it is important to take into account global trends in the modernization process of environmental education at the national and regional levels.
Key words environmental education, global educational environment, sustainable development, technology of social interaction
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Full articleTendencies in the Development of Environmental Education in the World Educational Space (Mid-1990s – the First Decade of the 21st Century)