Article name Assessment of Educational Achievements of Special Education Bachelors, profile “Psychological Support of Education of Persons with Problems in Development”
Authors Klimenko T.K.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
Zvoleyko E.V.Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 37.016: 159.9
Article type
Annotation The paper describes the technique of a comprehensive assessment of students’ progress in mastering competences and deals with the process of designing the discipline program, the ways of developing and using assessment tools during the current and interim assessment and the preparation of required supporting documents. The article lists the ways of grading and ranking assessment of all types of classroom and extracurricular collective and individual students’ work, the algorithm of compiling the teacher’s and students’ reports. The authors present the mechanism of assessing various components of competencies (cognitive, activity, personal) and determine the indicators of object-oriented activity. To ensure effectiveness, the assessment system should be specified and provided with a rater, which presents the results of the leveling requirements for training in all competence components.
Key words competence, educational discipline program, grading and ranking system, assessment tools, current and interim attestation
Article information
Full articleAssessment of Educational Achievements of Special Education Bachelors, profile “Psychological Support of Education of Persons with Problems in Development”