Article name Innovative Education as a Factor in the Formation of a Future Teacher
Authors Klimenko T.K.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 378.1
Article type
Annotation The paper analyzes different approaches to the development of innovative processes. In the innovation economy a major factor of production renovation is a person, a professional with his intellectual and creative abilities. The paper traces innovative practices in the national school from the traditions of creative teachers’ activities of the 1950s-1960s to the democratic changes in education in the past two decades. Through the analysis of theoretical studies, the author emphasizes the features of innovations: integration of science and practice, research focus of innovations, pedagogical creativity as a source of innovations. Innovators’ reliance on scientific knowledge is an important basis for innovation stability in the theory of pedagogy. The paper presents the analysis of conceptual terminology and highlights productive ideas to justify the concept of the study. There are some trends in the organization of innovative learning, including technological and pedagogical approaches. The study proves that innovative practice is always a becoming phenomenon in specific sociocultural conditions.
Key words innovation, novelty, novation, innovation process, pedagogical innovation, pseudoinnovation, future teacher personality formation
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Full articleInnovative Education as a Factor in the Formation of a Future Teacher