Article name The Role of Personal Characteristics in the Professional Activities of the Operational Personnel of the Energy Sector
Authors Vorona O.A.Candidate of Psychology
Korochenko T.Y.Master’s Program Student
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UDK 159.923
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Annotation The paper presents the results of an empirical study of professionally important psychological characteristics of the operational personnel of the energy sector. It is assumed that certain personal traits in the system of professionally important qualities may be associated with all levels of the personality (psycho-physiological characteristics, cognitive processes, emotional and volitional characteristics, etc.) and can serve as a backbone for all levels of the organization. The method of ranking determines the personal characteristics whose parameters have the greatest number of significant correlations with other characteristics. The relationships of personal characteristics with the features of the functioning of the basic levels of the personality provide an opportunity for a more detailed study of the role of the personal level as a regulator of professionally important psychological characteristics of the operational personnel of the energy sector.
Key words personality, personality structure, “identity and work” problem, professionally important qualities, personality of a professional, psychophysiological security assurance in the electric power industry
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Full articleThe Role of Personal Characteristics in the Professional Activities of the Operational Personnel of the Energy Sector