Article name The Burial of the Warrior from the Trans-Baikal Forest-Steppe of the Mongolian Age
Authors Nomokonov A.A.postgraduate
Bibliographic description
UDK 902
Article type
Annotation This article is devoted to the burial of a noble warrior, who belonged to the “Forest” tribes of the Eastern Transbaikalia (XIII–XIV centuries), who was excavated in the composition of the burial ground in Novotroitsk-III. Archeologists connect the monuments investigated in basins of the rivers Chita, Ingoda, Shilka and in Beklemishevski Lakes to this group of tribes; they were combined into a separate Undugun culture. A numerous and various inventory was found in the warrior`s interment of the burial ground. This inventory stands out from the rest of graves of the necropolis. The urgency is in the fact that information about field and laboratory researches of Novotroitsk necropolis which has not been unpublished earlier is introduced now in the scientific circulation. The purpose of this work is in detailed consideration of the burial rite and the accompanying inventory of burial № 7 in the background of Novotroitsk necropolis and undugun culture in general. Methods of the research are analysis, analogy, generalization, historical and cultural methods, description, comparison. A number of similarities and differences in the funeral rite and the accompanying inventory of burial № 7 of the burial ground Novotroitsk-III and other monuments of Undugun culture were revealed. The results can be used by scientists who take an interest in the nomadic tribes of the Mongol period, for making a comparison of characteristics and analogies. The accompanying inventory of this burial testifies that the dead differed from his tribesmen by a high social position. And this fact testifies social stratification among tribes of undugun culture.
Key words undugun Culture, Novotroitsk necropolis, funeral rite, burial, burial ground, the accompanying inventory, equipment, decorations, house wares, harness
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Full articleThe Burial of the Warrior from the Trans-Baikal Forest-Steppe of the Mongolian Age