Article name “Absolutely new institution and unexplored undertaking”: on Establishing Vladivostok Oriental Institute
Authors Elantseva O.P.Doctor of History, professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 378.(571.6)
Article type
Annotation On the basis of the remained unique archive documents – telegrams and letters by Alexey Matvejevich Pozdnejev, the first Head of the Oriental Institute (1899– 1903), – the article reveals the most complicated process of establishing an essentially new higher educational institution in the Far East of Russia: from the completion of the educational building construction and the formation of teaching staff speaking the Chinese, Korean, Japanese and other oriental languages, to the organization of the educational process and scientific research, creation of the solid educational, methodological and informational base. The article shows a considerable role of A. M. Pozdnejev and other professors of the Oriental Institute in the fulfillment of separate state commissions and significant state problem, the article also underlines the policy of the Russian Empire Ministry for National Education and that of local authorities to the Institute and its administration.
Key words the Russian Empire state policy, higher education, the Ministry for national education, the Oriental Institute, history of the Far East, regional government, A. M. Pozdnejev
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Full article“Absolutely new institution and unexplored undertaking”: on Establishing Vladivostok Oriental Institute