Article name Documents of Non-Russian Municipality, Kin Administration in the State Archives of Buryatia as Sources of the Tungus History in the 19th and early 20th cc.
Authors Zhalsanova B.C.Candidate of History
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UDK 94(571.54)
Article type
Annotation In the article for the first time a complex of documents of four collections of the Tungus local self-government bodies of the 19th and early 20th centuries, stored in the State archives of the Republic of Buryatia, is considered and introduced into scientific circulation. In accordance with the Charter about administration of non- Russian peoples of Siberia issued in 1822 the local Tungus self-governing bodies have been established. They functioned within the framework of Russian legislation and the norms of customary law. The basis of the system of self-government was laid on the principle of the least interference in the internal affairs of Siberian peoples,preservation of their way of life. All together there were founded seven independent administrative institutions of the Tungus, one of which Urulginskaya Steppe Duma functioned in the Eastern Trans-Baikal area, and other six on the territory of Western Trans-Baikal in Barguzin region. At the present time the theme of the history of the Tungus local self-governing bodies has not been studied yet, so its investigation is extremely important from the scientific point of view. Archival documents of the collections of the Tungus non-Russian municipality and kin administration are a valuable historical source; they give an opportunity to explore the history of the Tungus people, their life and way of living for the mentioned historical period. Archival documents are divided into several groups according to their group specificity: organizational-administrative documents, report documents, protocol documents.
Key words Charter about administration of non-Russian peoples of Siberia 1822, Steppe Duma, non-Russian municipality, kin administration, nomadic non-Russian peoples, wandering non-Russian peoples, suglan, yasak
Article information
Full articleDocuments of Non-Russian Municipality, Kin Administration in the State Archives of Buryatia as Sources of the Tungus History in the 19th and early 20th cc.