Article name Women’s Constitutional Rights in Socialist and Contemporary Mongolia
Authors Tsypilova , ; S.S.Candidate of History
Bibliographic description
UDK 94(5)
Article type
Annotation On the basis of the study of legislative documents and historical literature the paper investigates the legal status of women as fixed in the 1924, 1940, 1960 and 1992 constitutions of Mongolia. The author concluded that women’s rights and opportunities at the constitutional level are now greatly enhanced. In the socialist society the Mongolian government actively provided social support and protection for women, which was proclaimed in the Constitutions of 1940, 1960. In modern Mongolian society women became economically active, enjoying full rights of the society members, participating in the state administration system. However, the author notes that a woman often deals with discrimination.
Key words Constitution of Mongolia, a Mongolian woman, women’s rights, constitutional rights, the Mongolian society
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Full articleWomen’s Constitutional Rights in Socialist and Contemporary Mongolia