Article name The National Intelligentsia and the Struggle for Buryat Autonomy in the Russian State
Authors Boronova M.M.Doctor of History, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 94 (571.54)
Article type
Annotation The article covers the history of the Buryat people’s struggle for their national autonomy within the Russian State. It shows the leadership role of the national intelligentsia, formulated the ideology, main objectives and tasks of the national movement of Buryats in the face of Russian autocracy. Special attention is paid to the role of the pre-revolutionary intelligentsia in dealing with the “Buryat -Mongol” issue in the early 20th century. We consider the activities of its most famous representatives of national autonomy in the formation drilled in the early XX century; show their contribution to the solution of the problems of cultural and national development of the Buryat ethnic group within the Russian state. The estimation of Ts. Zhamtsarano, B. Baradina, Э-D. Rinchino and other famous figures of the pre-revolutionary Buryat intellectuals has been given as well.
Key words аutonomy, identity, culture, ideology, consolidation
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Full articleThe National Intelligentsia and the Struggle for Buryat Autonomy in the Russian State