Article name Change of the Demographic Situation in Buryatiya, under the Conditions of the Society Transformation (late XX - early XXI cc.)
Authors Gorkovenko O.N.postgraduate
Mitupov K.B.Doctor of History, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 314.18 (571. 54)
Article type
Annotation Article is devoted to demographic processes in Buryatiya at the end of the XX – the beginning of the XXI centuries. The basic tendencies of the development in sex and age structure are considered, quantitative and qualitative aspects of change in the population structure of the republic are analyzed. Laws of reproduction of the population of republic, its social and economic conditionality, and also specificity of display of demographic processes in the given region are analyzed. The characteristic of a modern demographic situation in Buryatiya is given.
Key words a demographic situation, sex and age structure, natural movement, population, migratory processes, dynamics of number
Article information
Full articleChange of the Demographic Situation in Buryatiya, under the Conditions of the Society Transformation (late XX - early XXI cc.)