Article name Yugoslavia Against Germany during the King Alexander’s Dictatorship
Authors Mishin A.V.postgraduate
Bibliographic description
UDK 94 (497.1)
Article type
Annotation In the article Yugoslavia- Germany relations during the dictatorship of the King Alexander (1929–1934) are considered. In the course of the research it is substantiated why Yugoslavia refocused its policy from France to Germany, and the facts which prove the large-scale penetration of the German capital into the South-Eastern Europe are produced. The internal political affairs of the Kingdom are analyzed and the necessity to establish closer relations to the alternative markets of the minerals and agrarian products is determined. The raise of the trade volumes was necessary for Germany to avoid isolation and reconstruct the military power. Besides the support by France decreased each year, and Yugoslavia needed the defense from the aggressive neighbors. In conclusion the results of the bilateral collaboration achieved by the moment of the murder of the king Alexander are shown.
Key words Yugoslavian-German relations, King Alexander’s dictatorship, the world economical crisis, German expansion, Yugoslavian export
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Full articleYugoslavia Against Germany during the King Alexander’s Dictatorship