Article name Challenges to Overcome Inequalities in the International Information Exchange
Authors Vinogradova S.M.Doctor of Political Science, Professor
Melnik G.S.Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 81+82+070
Article type
Annotation Article evaluates the activities of the Commission MacBride at the UN in 1980 and report related to the intensification of the movement for a new, more equitable international information and communication order. On the basis of the comparative approach the authors analyze stages of the international information processes development and a current state of the information exchange in the world. The special attention is given to the formation of a global information society and obstacles in the way of its development. It is noticed that many positions of the report haven’t lost the value yet, at the time when the mankind aspires to access expansion of all and everyone to the information and knowledge. Authors come to conclusion that world economy globalization, revaluation of ideological values, development of communication technologies – all these factors together created a modern system of the international information exchange which needs reconsideration again.
Key words information gap, information and communication processes, information society, mass media
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Full articleChallenges to Overcome Inequalities in the International Information Exchange