Article name Development of Fur Production of the Joint Stock Company \"N. P. Rylov and F. P. Lesnikov\" in the Second Half of the XIX – Early XX Centuries
Authors Kushnarеva M.D.Doctor of History
Bibliographic description Kushnareva M. D. Development of Fur Production of the Joint Stock Company “N. P. Rylov and F. P. Lesnikov” in the Second Half of the XIX – Early XX Centuries // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 3. PP. 32–39. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-3-32-39.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-3-32-39
UDK 9(С)15
Article type
Annotation The article attempts to analyze the development of fur production of the joint stock company “N. P. Rylov and F. P. Lesnikov”. The urgency of the problem is due to the growth of scientific interest in exploring the experience of organizing the production sphere in the framework of large commercial and industrial companies. The use of methods for quantitative and qualitative analysis of statistical data based on the principle of historicism and the principle of consistency made it possible to identify key economic indicators and patterns. The author reviewed the main directions of the formation of fur production by N. P. Rylov and F. P. Lesnikov in the Slobodsky, Vyatka province. The article describes the characteristics of production processes, their improvement and mechanization. Crisis phenomena in the development of fur production in 1912–1913 served as an impetus to the privatization of the enterprise. As a result of the creation of the Joint Stock Company of the match and fur factory “N. P. Rylov and F. P. Lesnikov” in 1914, the volume of supply of raw fur to the factory in Slobodsky increased. In 1914–1915, the factory processed 100 % of the part squirrel acquired in the territory of North-Eastern Siberia. In 1916–1918, the share of processing of Siberian furs in the factory was 10–30 %. Deliveries of finished products of the fur factory of a joint stock company were carried out to Germany, Great Britain, Poland, the USA, and China. The share of supplies of finished products of the fur factory of the joint stock company to international markets was 30–40 % of the total output of products in 1916–1918. The growth of the company’s profitability from the sale of finished products to the North American market amounted to more than 900 thousand rubles in 1916–1918.
Key words fur trade, joint-stock company, North-Eastern Siberia, factory, fur production
Article information
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Full articleDevelopment of Fur Production of the Joint Stock Company \"N. P. Rylov and F. P. Lesnikov\" in the Second Half of the XIX – Early XX Centuries