Article name Culture of the Qiqihar Daur people in the 20th century
Authors Tsybenov B.D.Candidate of History
Liu Ping ..Bachelor, Assistant professor
Bibliographic description Tsybenov B. D., Li Ping. Culture of the Qiqihar Daur people in the 20th century // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 3. PP. 71–79. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-3-71-79.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-3-71-79
UDK 94 (510)
Article type
Annotation This article examines the culture of the Qiqihar Daur people in the 20th century. The topic is relevant and timely. The publication will examine the development of the culture of this group of Daur people and other national minorities in northeast China. The authors used chronological, comparative historical and concrete historical research methods. They analyzed many aspects of the subject matter. The article examined the creation of advanced Daur intellectuals and the development of school education in the years of the Republic of China. During this period, the Qiqihar Daurs joined the Chinese culture. In the second half of the 20th century, cultural institutions organized a large cultural work. Amateur art developed rapidly. The rural population began to read books and periodicals. Daurian scientists and cultural workers published scientific works, works of art. Some works of folklore of Qiqihar Daurs were printed. Radio and television developed rapidly. Daur people knew the news of the culture of the region, the country and the whole world. Thus, the culture of the Qiqihar Daurs in the XX century enriched with new cultural values preserving its identity and underwent significant positive changes.
Key words Qiqihar Daurs, culture, school education, personalities, cultural department, amateur art activities, radio and television
Article information
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