Article name Description and Classification of D. Endonov’s (1870–1937?) Written Heritage
Authors Vanchikova T.P.Doctor of History, Professor
Zhabon Y.Z.Candidate of History
Bibliographic description Vanchikova Ts. P., Zhabon Yu. Zh. Description and Classification of D. Endonov’s (1870–1937?) Written Heritage // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 3. PP. 89–97. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-3-89-97.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-3-89-97
UDK 94(5)
Article type
Annotation In the article on the basis of archival documents of the Museum of History of Buryatia named after M. N. Khangalov, D. Endonov’s life and activities are analysed. All his richly illustrated materials written in Tibetan, Old Mongolian and Russian allow us to look into the creative laboratory of D. Endonov, the director of the Tibetan medical school of the Atsagatsky datsan, a talented Buryat doctor and a scholar of the first third of the 20th century. Theпракmain attention is paid to the source study of visual aids, the text-book on anatomy and physiology, compiled by D. Endonov, as well as his workbook. The introduction into the scientific circulation of these documents, revealed in the archives of the Museum, enriches the source base of modern studies on the history of Tibetan medicine in Buryatia and Russia of the 1920s-1930s. The Endonov’s works are estimated by us as the most significant materials on the introduction of European knowledge and teaching methods on Tibetan medicine. It is concluded that all three works by D. Endonov are clear evidence of creative approach to his medical activities and serve as a vivid example of positive interaction of Tibetan and European medicine systems.
Key words source study, archival materials, Dondub Endonov, Atsagatsky datsan, history of medicine, Tibetan medicine
Article information
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Full articleDescription and Classification of D. Endonov’s (1870–1937?) Written Heritage