Article name Language Policy in Mongolia: Problem of Revival of the Old Mongolian Script (the Mongolian Script)
Authors Dyrkheeva G.A.Doctor of Philology, Professor
N. Gombodorzhiyn ..Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Dyrkheeva G. A., Gombodorzhiyn N. Language Policy in Mongolia: Problem of Revival of the Old Mongolian Script (The Mongolian Script) // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 3. PP. 98–104. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-3-98-104.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-3-98-104
UDK 81=512.36
Article type
Annotation In recent years, the graphic problem was actualized both in certain regions of Russia and in the neighboring countries. In Mongolia, attempts of reviving the old Mongolian script, teaching the Mongolian graphics at schools, attempts for its using in public administration have been made since 1991. In the article, the political aspects of the solution of the matter in Mongolia, acceptance by the National Khural and the Government of Mongolia of various documents, the actions undertaken for implementation of resolutions, decrees and laws, and results of the pursued language policy are considered. We used the empirical method, namely the analysis of the legal official documents devoted to the language policy of old Mongolian script pursued in the last decades by the country leaders during the period from 1990 to 2018. We show that despite ongoing efforts, including acceptance of the law “About the State Language of Mongolia” in February 2015, the process of transition to the Mongolian writing has not been completed so far and Cyrillics remains the main system of writing. It is possible that the solution is connected not only with its formal decision but with intra linguistic problems which numerous reformers of the old Mongolian letter faced with in the past. Clarification of this question demands additional research.
Key words old Mongolian script, language policy, resolutions of the government of Mongolia, national program, Cyrillics
Article information
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Full articleLanguage Policy in Mongolia: Problem of Revival of the Old Mongolian Script (the Mongolian Script)