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Article name | Buddhist Systematic Text as an Example of Logic Totality |
Authors | Bazarov A.A.Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Researcher |
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UDK | 294.321 |
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Annotation | This article focuses on the little-studied in modern science fact of formal logic totality in philosophical treatises of the Tibet-Mongolian Buddhism. Logic totality appears in the structure of the Buddhist text (categories), as well as in its content (scholastic debate examples). The first part of the paper is devoted to the problem of presenting philosophical categories. Examples are taken from the text “The Source of Sages” (dag yig mkhas pa\'i \'byung gnas) as the most specific text that demonstrates this aspect of Buddhist philosophical literature. The second part of the article is devoted to studying the problems of comparative analysis of philosophical categories in Buddhist texts. The study is based on the samples from the philosophical literature of the bsdus grwa genre. |
Key words | Buddhism, Buddhist text, logic totality, philosophical debate |
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Full article | Buddhist Systematic Text as an Example of Logic Totality |