Article name Language as a Socializing Personality Factor in the Process of Active Dialogue Between Cultures
Authors Antonova N.S.Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 1:316
Article type
Annotation The article reveals the role of language in the process of socialization of the personality. Modern sociocultural realities actualize the problem of the personality’s socialization on the basis of effective language proficiency. The socialization of the personality is closely connected with the problems of culture, education, science, literature and art. Therefore, at present, language competence should be developed in parallel with communicative and cultural competence. According to the author, today, the elaboration and development of not only language but also communicative and cultural competence of the individual should become the main line in the process of teaching both a native and a foreign language. In the conditions of real multilingualism in the regions of modern Russia the formulation and solution of the problems identified suggest qualitative improvement of teaching linguistic disciplines, strengthening their humanistic, person-forming and cultural functions.
Key words language, socialization, personality, language personality, cultural competence
Article information
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Full articleLanguage as a Socializing Personality Factor in the Process of Active Dialogue Between Cultures