Article name New Approaches to the Study of the Category of “Tolerance”
Authors Vinogradova N.I.Doctor of Psychology, Professor
Kasianova E.I.Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 316.647.6
Article type
Annotation The paper proves that tolerance has socio-cultural traditions in the life of Russia, Russian philosophy of the 19th–20th centuries. The authors develop an activity approach to tolerance research, underlining its creative-functional nature. It involves activity, interaction on the basis of social partners’ equality, openness to social experience of the Other, conservation of individual originality and reach of an agreement without infringing individual interests with the help of dialogue and non-violence, explanation and conviction methods. The article considers the actuality of philosophic research on tolerance, criticizes opponents of tolerance who consider it an import of foreign ideas. The authors undertake a phenomenological analysis of “tolerance”, use language philosophy in which tolerance is understood and presented as a language structure. After studying the etymology of tolerance, the authors come to the conclusion that translation and interpretation of tolerance are not the same in different cultures.
Key words tolerance, intolerance, xenophobia, nonviolence, attitude to the Other, pluralism, lexical analysis, etymology, liberal paradigm of tolerance, socio-cultural traditions of tolerance in Russia, “dialogue philosophy”
Article information
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Full articleNew Approaches to the Study of the Category of “Tolerance”