Article name Passion and Loneliness
Authors Vorobiev D.O.graduate student
Bibliographic description
UDK 130.1
Article type
Annotation The article deals with topical ontognoseological problems: the function of cognition of existential phenomena – passion and loneliness, their interaction and mutual influence. Passion and loneliness are conscious feelings that are vital for both the subject and the object. Essential distortion of these phenomena can lead to profound ontological problems of the individual, changing the constructive and positive sides of being phenomena for negative forms of interaction and regression of the gnoseological component. But, if they coexist in the being of the subject and the object in the form of interaction, negating and overcoming inadequate variations of their sensual nature, they create the conditions for the harmonious development of the self of the subject and the object as a whole and their relations in particular. The depth and strength of these phenomena lead to a radical change in established knowledge and formation of new one.
Key words passion, loneliness, relationship imbalance, interaction, mutual influence, cognitive acts
Article information
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