Article name Philosophical Conceptions of Truth in Sergio Troncoso’s Prose
Authors Maltseva M.D.Candidate of Сulturology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 821.111(73)
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the analysis of the philosophical prose of contemporary Mexican-American writer Sergio Troncoso who is often described in the literary circles as “a promising new voice” in Chicano literature. The works of S. Troncoso are presented in the context of modern Mexican-American literature which creates a unique image of the ethnic structure of the world based on the aesthetics of modern borderlands. This aesthetics is manifested in the synthesis of traditional ethnic values, stereotypes, myths (Home, Family, and Past) and marginal cross-cultural hybrid discourses. The article deals with different approaches to the traditional themes peculiar to ethnic authors. The article focuses upon the collection of Troncoso’s short stories The Last Tortilla and Other Stories and his first novel The Nature of Truth. Special attention is paid to the novel which explores the philosophy of truth, analyzes the problem of its construction and disputes the eternal questions of crime and punishment.
Key words Mexican-American culture, ethnic identity, existential crisis, philosophical conceptions of truth, crime and punishment
Article information
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Full articlePhilosophical Conceptions of Truth in Sergio Troncoso’s Prose