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Article name | Lacuna in Transborder Interaction |
Authors | Gomboeva M.I.Doctor of Culturology, Professor m.i.gomboeva@gmail.comDashidorzhieva B.V. |
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DOI | |
UDK | 008 |
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Annotation | The article reveals the general regularities of overcoming the lacuna on the basis of understanding the completeness of word meanings structure in transborder interaction. The paper discloses the dialectical nature of the lacuna manifested in the mechanisms of cultural diffusion for acquiring cognitive stability. The nature of intercultural communication in case of cognitive dissonance of the subjects of transborder interaction represents the dynamics of the lacuna. The authors investigate the dynamics of lacuna as a basis for forecasting technologies for adaptation and integration of cultures in a single transborder space and for developing effective strategies for its elimination in the processes of intercultural communication. |
Key words | dynamics of lacuna, cultural diffusion, transborder, stability and variability of lacuna, adaptation of cultures, cultural shift of lacuna meanings structure, cultural identity |
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Full article | Lacuna in Transborder Interaction |