Article name Uluro Ado’s Poetic World
Authors Okorokova V.B.Doctor of Philology, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 821.554
Article type
Annotation The article describes the artistic features of G. N. Kurilov’s – Uluro Ado’s poetry. Uluro Ado is the first Yukagir poet, a representative of the small people of the Far North who entered the literature in the 1960s. The poet’s main theme is the tundra, deer and reindeer breeders. The author admires the beauty of his native land, the spiritual richness of the people. In his poetry Uluro Ado created a rich, picturesque system of images which reveals his attitude and world vision, the beauty of his native land and the problems of the small people. In the poetry Uluro Ado created a rich, colorful system of the images, which reveals his attitude and vision of the world, the beauty of his native land and the problems of small nation. His poetics and his poetry reflect national mentality. The main images of his poetry are the reindeer, tundra, lake, fire, etc. The life-giving source of his works is folklore, from which he draws his images, poetic tropes, plots. Uluro Ado writes: “Look, people of the earth, Yukagirs made a fire!”. So he welcomes the birth of native literature and calls all people of the world to the fire. The poet is proud that he makes a contribution to national literature. Collections of his poems are published in Yukagir, Yakut, Russian and foreign languages. Uluro Ado’s peaks of creativity are his major works – poems in which he develops historical plots and thinks about the destiny of the peoples of the Far North.
Key words Yukagir literature, poetic world, system of images, imaginative worldview, national specificity, genre, poetics, image, style
Article information
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