Article name Features of Modern Rural Youth Culture
Authors Boyak Т.N.Doctor of Sociology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 316.346.32–053.6+316.7
Article type
Annotation The article is based on the results of the sociological research conducted by the author among rural youth of Buryatia and the Chita region, now called the Trans-Baikal region, in 2005-2006. The author analyzes the important role of youth in society, the dependence of the process of formation and development of rural youth culture on many factors: youth age and its peculiarities; trends observed in the youth environment of modern Russian society; political, economic, social and cultural realities of Russian society and the rural population, in particular; polyethnic region living peculiarities that define the communication, interaction between the people of different nationalities and influence on culture; ethnic and cultural peculiarities of the countryside. In the context of the impact of these factors, the author characterizes modern rural youth culture, defines some socialization problems of the considered socio-demographic group and emphasizes some actual tasks for solving these problems.
Key words countryside, rural youth, culture, values
Article information
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